Monday, January 31, 2011

Crystal power

Vikings used sun stone crystals to navigate our seas. The crystal is lolite by name. Well, these stones are common in norway. They were used by the ancient norse. It shines purple at 90 degrees to the sun. People used to call them water sapphires, but that was long ago. It explains how Viking could on cloudy days navigate over an open ocean.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

John A. Paulson

John A. Paulson made five billion betting on gold last year. Hey, maybe this year he will make six. Yeah, or even seven. Well, time will tell as they say. That said, I believe people should buy metals most precious. John A. Paulson is richer now. Debunkers are poorer.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

japan blocks young

Well, as you know, we love japan. That said, the land of giant robots and anime is in trouble now. Demographics shift are now occurring. Problem is japan blocks young. There is little incentive to study hard when jobs are few and bills are many.

Of what will happen we are not sure. Almost as interesting as Spock's Time Machine we will say.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Egypt drops internet

Egypt is off the map. Actually, this is very scary. People wonder what is going on. Basically, Egypt drops internet due to a civil war. There is talking of closing the suez canal due to the escalating crisis. Oil prices are going up. This in response to suez.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Egypt in woe

Egypt is in woe. Folks, we now see the ugly face of a repressive regime. There is no freedom anymore. What we want is people power. There should be free elections now. Sad as we see. It must be a free society and leave behind the present situation which is oppressive.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Start ups

CEO of a start up is willing to die for his company. It is a level of dedication we seldom see anymore. That said, people often like to find excuses. Well, you are either an excuse maker of a success. Fact is, winners do not need excuses. Therefore, start thinking like a winner.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Radio Shack soon gone

Steven Gibbs did warn me Radio Shack soon gone. Folks, this one is coming. They are getting worse. Selection is horrible and with high prices. Also, terrible customer service. It reminds me of circuit city that also is gone. Sadly, Radio Shack did not keep up. They are trying to sell now some expensive cameras. Please wake up. People go to best buy now. Folks, this store is over.

seeing what is coming

There are many people who talk about 2012 which is next year. Like they want to use remote viewing. Basically, to be seeing what is coming. It could very well be that they have no idea and it is better that way. Friends, the clock is ticking for us.

Predictions come and go. However, who could have foreseen thuggo chavez and his band of un merry men.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Glowing power

Glowing power cord helps to save energy. People can see energy is in use. This alerts us so we can save money. I like the idea of becoming more green. Yeah, it is max to save energy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

First HDR ever

I got this information from Steven Gibbs. He says got a call from a woman. She wanted him to build one. For the first HDR, Steven Gibbs got check for $1000 from ruby in Oct 26, 1985. The unit was sent out on Dec 15, 1985. People began to call him up. The were requesting he build units for them so he made some more.

Hope to post more information in coming year. Hope that all is well with you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Future of propane

I see that the world is decarbonizing now. At one time many houses burned coal, then they moved to oil, and finally to gas. OK so the question is. What is the future of propane. Perhaps, it is more bright than you can imagine. Unlike hydrogen that is hard to contain and very explosive, propane use is easy. I say easy as in the process. It is also good to transport via a pipe line for gas. For example, we have to transport electricity via wire. In that way, there is much loss of power. This is due to voltage sag. With propane, the losses due to leakage are at a minimum.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

five megatrends coming

There five mega trends in 2011 will affect you. It is best to get ready and prepare. Basically, it is time to become more healthy, wealthy and wise. Try to learn new skills now. Also your diet you must improve. Last, but not least stop goofing off and do more exercise.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First commercial light bulb

Edison created the first commercial light bulb, because those before burnt out in a flash shall we say. They were not practical and not max pop. Often people will say that he did not invent the light bulb, but that said, he did invent the first commercial one. The others would burn out so fast that they were not of any use.

Likewise, I believe that Steven Gibbs invented the first commercial time machine back in 1985 and sold one. His first customer was a lady ruby by name. She was a wiccan. Interesting, as Steven Gibbs is Christian, but there we go.

Monday, January 17, 2011

economic crisis worsens

Smell the coffee and wake up. Property prices are still in decline across the board in america. However, we see inflation in both food and energy. People are paying at the pump. Expect oil to rise over $100 per barrel this year.

OK so many small banks have very severe balance sheet issues. Why does our gov not give them some money. Perhaps, because government bailouts are only for the too big to fail banks that have friends in congress. Citizens, we are FED up. Instead of realizing we have a problem, the only thing a debunker can do is giggle and say - everything is fine and you are a nut case.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

cool new gadgets

People like cool new gadgets that are coming soon. Well, here are seven. OK so one of my favorites gadgets is the projector built into a sony movie camera. This is excellent work to the max you guys.


Southern Sudan votes on succession. Independence is in measure. However, this could lead to a civic war. Please remember what happened in america. Certain states wanted to succession and this is was cause the states to go to war. History is not going to remember this one.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I ask all of you to try to survive. People in the future are not common. In fact, they are very rare. Believe what you will, but the bible talks of a time when people will be so rare that a child will be able to count then on his hands even. That day is fast approaching us. People need to prepare. Otherwise we will not survive. Look as Australia flood continues to grow.

Friday, January 14, 2011

small biz taking off

Small biz is taking off now. This company is wow. Hey, where there you go. People are looking at new avenues. For many people the experience is pain. Tiny biz feel like ANTpenuers. Just ask ruvy ruvacuor.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Technological Extinction

Technological Extinction await many. Here are some products you will not see in coming years. For example, the mouse. It probably will be replace by a 3D data glove that men of science are working on. Also, there is the screen. That one will go away soon. It will be replace by virtual reality sun glasses in the coming years.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What future?

When people predict the future they see more of the same. That is not so. Basically, things will be very differtent than now. For example, technology will change the way things are. Look for a future vastly different than you can imagine.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

myway going away

Folks, got some grim news. Truth is myway cut its staff in half now. Well, what can we say. Like, this is not a good sign. Basically, it is a bad one. That is because there is no recovery. Firms such as myway continue to cut costs and down size. Please wake up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lincoln Fuses

Lincoln fuses are pennies. Yeah, people are not using fuses anymore. They put into the slot a penny. Well, a lincoln fuse that will blow never. OK so there you go. People using an old  copper coin. It is not what is necessary. A fuse blows out to tell us a problem is major. Fact is, you can get a fire without one. This is what people do not tell you.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

ESP now

Well, a major scientific journal publishes evidence of esp. Yeah folks, step right up. This is major news. People are finally admitting to the existence of esp now. Estrasensory perception was often made fun of by men of science. They are changing their turn due to new evidence that is finally coming.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Magnetic Pole Shift

Here is the latest news. Magnetic pole shift screws up runway. Yeah, in Florida even. This is very scary. I have an EMF meter I use to detect magnetic anomalies like a vortex, but I did not see this one coming. Perhaps the end really is near.

Friday, January 7, 2011

npr exec resigns

Ellen Weiss who fired Juan Williams was herself fired, opps I mean did resign. Talk about karma coming back for you. I did not believe it was voluntary, but what can we say. Few will believe weiss. Personall, I like juan. Hope he has a brilliant future, but not so sure. That said, it is news when an npr exec resigns. What did juan say. That when he saw muslim men on a plane we would worry. That he was nervous. Well, after 911 I believe many are feeling the same.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Food prices increase

Friends, there is a record high in world food prices. This is very grim news. Especially for the poor. Politicians claim everything doing with food is fine, but they are not going hungry it is my guess. Basically, I trust them less than a use car sales man. At least from those we get a use car.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Future of copper

Hello, there is some grim news. The price of copper hit a record high last year. Sadly, one of the most costly components of an HDR is copper. Well, that is because you need for the electromagnet 200 feet copper magnet wire. That is approx 10 pounds of wire. At $20 a pound that is $200 right there in copper. It causes me to worry. Steven Gibbs may have to raise his price. Future price of copper is up.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Call from Steven Gibbs

Today got a call from Steven Gibbs. I told him that he just sold an HDR to a man of science. This man plans to do some tests on HDR and post results on ATS soon. I am on the edge just waiting to see what comes. It is very exciting news. Steven Gibbs sent out the HDR today and it is on its way.

Monday, January 3, 2011

gasoline over seven

OK so when I was in europe I had a smart car. It got 44 mpg. That is pretty good for the high way. Sadly, there is a report of seven dollar a gallon gasoline in america. Folks, this could take place soon. Hey, we are talking some expensive gas. People need to wake up. There is now a lot of inflation in energy. It is soon coming.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Nebraska?

John Titor said that capital of USA is move to Omaha Nebraska in the days to come. Well, here is something interesting to me. John Titor's mom is suppose to have move to Nebraska now. Perhaps this place is safe and secure. Also, Omaha Nebraska is where Patricia Ress is from - the author of books on Steven Gibbs. Steven Gibbs invented that HDR in 1985 in Nebraska of all places - imagine. These are too many coincidence for me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Gibbs HDR eBook

Here is the Gibbs HDR ebook on how to use an HDR. We can hope it is of use to you. The HDR is an interesting machine to use. I am planning some new experiments for the new year. Please comment on what you would like to see.