Sunday, August 24, 2014

Drought worsens

Droughts worsens. That is our news. Homes in California with out water are many. Fellows, some dry days are ahead for us. 

prickly pear fruit

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Netflix can win. That said, the climb is up and up. Mountains are a challenge for us. Yet, we do not want to live in a valley, but on the pinnacle of who we are. Let us reach out to becoming a great deal more.

Netflix Doodle: 2/23/12

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Play it

Play it to the very edge of the game. Do not give us. There is a whole new world coming.  Just try to be a part of it.

Monday, August 18, 2014


boarder turnMake your photos look epic. Here are some mega tips for you. They will improve your images. Like give em some pop. Oh yes, that is just what we wanna see.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

major currency crisis

Expect a major currency crisis. Gold is not going to save you. Silver will tarnish in time, but keep your eyes open. Inflation will increase soon. They keep on printing more green.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

keep on moving

Harpa [EXPLORE]Maybe you are on the right track, but you have to keep on moving. That is what we now say. Let us begin to help you. Forward always and do not look back any.

Friday, August 15, 2014


seaBeach is awesome. Like we love our ocean. Always want it to be so near. That is what we are saying. Oh yes, it so max. Water gives us so much, and it does ask so little of us. Please do gaze upon our sea.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

8 films

Yo, here are 8 films that will never see a screen. Hey, they will not get a DVD even. Dark Tower by Stephen King is one. There are many more. For example, Arthur C. Clark had rendezvous with ram a. Good luck on that being a movie.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

where we going

skaterQuestion for you. Oh yes, it is - where we going. The road ahead is a bumpy one. Hard to avoid some of the pot holes that exist along our way. Maybe we do not want it, but there it is.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Jobless rate increases

Jobless rate increases. Well, that is not a good sign. Actually, it should not surprise us. Look at our penny poor economy. Dollar stores are merging. That is to save you money. Talk about trim expenses... Yo, this is cutting to the core.

Monday, August 11, 2014


GlambulancePolice arrest husband of strangled jogger. Certainly, we did not see it coming. People thought it was a robber, but they were wrong. What a vile world we are in. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

family values

we stick together [EXPLORE]Republicans speak of family values being important to us. Best that we look across our universe. Certainly, it is important to take care of the little ones. Problem is that a lot of people do not even care.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


Thunderbirds to the rescueI do think that trains might make a come back because they use little energy. Still, our infrastructure is very poor. Rotting rails are rusted over. Hard to think what we can do to get america moving again. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Almond milk

Almond milk sales are growing. This is because customers do not like soy. It has a sour bean taste that is not max pop. Well, we do like almonds as they are a joy.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

anti science

Do you realize that many citizens are anti science. Yeah, antisciencism is now on an increase. Expect this trend to move on up. Most consumers are worrying. Taxes keep right on rising up. What they realize is that going green is expensive. Just how much more. OK so try trillions on for size. People blame science.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

middle name

Putting your middle name on a resume... it makes you appear more wise. Perhaps, it may be so. Still, we do not seem wiser. Cocky is a better term for what we are. Hey, I do not have a middle name. Maybe then I should get one.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Do you love music. It fills your soul with joy. Let us be thankful we can hear sounds and speak praise. Birds in the air are singing.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Girl who wanted to meet slender man... claims she is insane. Well, that should indeed surprise no one. Hey, she really is crazy. At least, it does seem so.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rich get richer

Richer get richer and poor get poorer. This trend is not going away. Basically, the rich get richer at our expense. OK so we do not prosper. Sadly, as a result we have social unrest and people are growing angry. Friend, this can end only one way.

Making a future together

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Just now we have so many memories. It is like a night mare. Do you remember the moon mission. Well, that was many years ago. Still, it seems like yesterday to so many. Also, there is nixon. Like why did he resign. Perhaps he had enough class to admit that he was wrong.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Dinosaurs you say

How do you make some birds man. Well, you take dinosaurs and shrink em for 50 millions years. Dinosaurs you say. For example, T rex turns into a goose. Folks, this is no hoax we tell you. Like, we are not making it up. OK so let me tell you something about science. It is pure nonsense. Sadly, it makes less sense every year.