Robot could take over. Elon Musk says so. It could be the end of the human race. Just look at all the advances in artificial intelligence that are going on. Well, do expect our current hyper technology to pick up its own pace.
Folks, we do feel our situation is worrisome. OK, so case in point, there are a lot fewer people on the street now. Maybe, it is just me. However, we can feel an eerie stillness in our air. Ah yes, we did indeed say - eerie.
Living without um TIME can e so nice. However, it has become an integral part of our lives in this hyper technological era. Perhaps, we need to find a new way. Yeah, we are tired all the TIME - sorry on my pun.
Yo, overpopulation is being blamed for our climate crisis. However, that is definitely not our reason. Rich people consume... like a disproportionate amount of our resources. Oh yes, it is they that are main contributors to global warming. Please do not blame our poor. Most people on this planet earth can only dream of having a big fancy executive jet and owning a company.
There is a certain stillness in our air. Fellows, it does feel eerie. Basically, we need for this fright mare we are in... to be over. Well, that is our opinion.
Frankly, a lot of people are poor. Rich have a lot of money. However, they are few and those without are many. Think of life as a pyramid with a lot of poor at the bottom and at the top a few rich that have the high positions and the large office with the big chair in the corner.
Yo, my forecast is a grim warm summer. Most companies are experiencing scare resources. Their existence is very precarious. Hey, many cannot ever survive. People need to finally wake up. Fellow collegues, our situation is serious.
Fountain pens live on in our memories. They remind us of a simpler happier previous era. Sadly, technology killed cursive. Well, that is our own opinion. What do you say?
Hey, the sun really is setting on our empire. Just look at the last few rays. What a year this has been for us. Frankly, it is not even HALF over. What an amazing year.